Table of Contents
Why Lose Weight?
What's Stopping You?
Set Your Long-term Goal
Make an Action Plan
Healthy Eating
Exercise and Activity
Stick With It
Getting Support

Getting Started with Weight Management

Make an Action Plan

Once you have chosen a long-term goal, set short-term goals to help you get there. Short-term goals are part of your action plan. This plan outlines the steps you are going to take to get where you want to be. Aim for small changes. Keep track of your progress. Reward yourself along the way. Before you know it, you'll be well on your way to your goal.

Take Small Steps to Success

Habits don't change overnight. So don't try to change everything at once. Instead, take things one step at a time. Choose one or two small changes. Choose changes you can make now. Set an action plan for how you are going to make these changes. When you feel able to stick to this plan, make a few more small changes. Taking small steps will help you stay on the path to success. Look at the examples below:

Goal: Be more active.

Action Plan:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work every day.
  • Walk around the block once 3 days a week.

Goal: Cut back on fat.

Action Plan:

  • Use 2% milk instead of cream in my coffee.
  • Have fruit instead of a cookie with my lunch on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Avoid this TRAP

Setting your goals too high can leave you feeling discouraged if you can't reach them. Be realistic. Choose a goal that you really think you can meet. When you reach that goal, you can always set a new one.

Track Your Progress

Write down your goals. Then, keep a daily record of your progress. Write down what you eat and how active you are. This record will help you stay on track. It can show patterns, such as times when you tend to eat too much. It also lets you look back on how much you've done. This may help when you're feeling frustrated.

Try this TIP

Keep a record of what you eat. Doing this has been shown to help people stay on their weight-loss plans.

Know this FACT

Plan to lose no more than 1/2 to 2 pounds each week. Any more than that and you're likely to lose fluid or muscle instead of fat.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for success. Even if you don't reach every goal, give yourself credit for what you do get done. For your reward, choose a treat not related to food. For instance, if you've met your exercise goal for the week, take time out for a warm bubble bath. Or if you've stuck to your eating plan, treat yourself to something new. Other things you can do for yourself: a massage, a phone call to a friend, a new book or magazine, some music, or time alone to relax.

Set Your Long-term GoalHealthy Eating